SEM-09-105 - Information Paper on Scope of CPM Medium Term Review - V2.0.pdf

On 8 April 2009 the SEM Committee (SEMC) published a consultation paper (SEM-09-035) , documenting the scope of work that the SEMC proposed to carry out in relation to a medium term review of the Capacity Payment Mechanism (CPM). The main purpose of this review is to examine if the current design of the CPM can be further improved to optimally meet the objectives of the CPM.

This paper summarises the views of respondents in the main areas proposed for the medium term review. The RAs acknowledge the detailed responses provided by respondents and these will be given due consideration as part of the detailed work. The objective of this paper is to provide clarity on the final scope of the CPM Medium Term review and provide a high level view of the approach and timelines for the completion of the review.