I-SEM Market Power – Bilateral Meeting Invitation for Interested Parties

I-SEM Market Power – Bilateral Meeting Invitation for Interested Parties

Following the publication of the consultation paper Offers in the I-SEM Balancing Market (SEM-16-059) and the closure of the consultation window (18th November 2016), the Regulatory Authorities would like to offer stakeholders an opportunity to engage further with the Regulatory Authorities on the Offers in the I-SEM Balancing Market consultation paper.  Consequently, the Regulatory Authorities will be hosting bilateral meetings on the 7th and 8th of December in the CER’s office.

The purpose of the engagement is to provide an opportunity for respondents to discuss their response to the consultation paper with the Regulatory Authorities and to address any queries raised by stakeholders regarding the consultation paper.

Expressions of interest should be sent to James Curtin (jcurtin@cer.ie) and Brian Mulhern (Brian.Mulhern@uregni.gov.uk) by Friday, 2nd of December.