Decision on Aggregation in the SEM

Decision on Aggregation in the SEM

The RAs are today, 9 December 2020, publishing a Decision Paper concerning the topic of aggregation in the SEM. This paper follows on from the Consultation on aggregation (SEM-20-042) which was published in July 2020. Additionally, the non-confidential responses to the Consultation are being published alongside this Decision.

The Decision Paper summarises the responses received to the Consultation and concludes that there is evidence of aggregation occurring in the SEM and also that there is a non-discriminitory route to market for market participants engaged in aggregation.

This Decision states the RAs' view that the current market arrangements comply with the requirements for non-discriminatory participation for market participants engaged in aggregation as required by Articles 6 and 7 of the Regulation, and as such are not proposing any changes to the SEM to meet the requirements around aggregation at this time.

The documents can be found here